One thing have I learned -
Mediation requires that
we heal ourselves first
Mediation, then,
cannot succeed as "combat
with disguised fury"
To be successful
in resolving our disputes
requires that we love
We must love ourselves
enough to love the others
that we dispute with
Capish? You get it?
If we hate an enemy
we can't mediate
So before you do -
look first within, to find out
if you embrace love
Anger is not hate
Disappointment is not hate
Love is not hate
Hello how are you. I'm Yusuf from Tashkent (UZB). Perhaps for you it seems strange that I am writing this letter to a stranger. But I want to tell you that your blog is interesting and surprising. If you let me have a question. This is my favorite question.
You starred in a movie?
Well, my dear. I wish you luck. Answer When you find the time. Thank you very much.
Thanks for your comment from the capital of Uzbekistan.
The only movie I have starred in is the advertisement for my web-site,
Are there any mediators in Tashkent?
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